Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Petite Darling FAIL

Yeah, that says it all. Or at least most of it. One of my ebay aquirements, BL505 Ocean, from the Etude House series Petit Darling Nails. No sun. Sorry.

Did I do two or three coats? I can't remember. It could be two. But also three. Hmm. Anyway. Foil like sparkle in blue base. Pretty. Right? However... In the bottle it looks crazy multicrome, like these foil type shimmers tend to be. The bottle is gorgeous. Just look at the manufacturer's product photo:

But once the contents are on your nails ...no shift. None. Okay, I may be harsh now, I could perhaps see a tiny magenta shift in some extreme angle, but that took a lot of work. So, it's mostly a sparkly blue. Which is fine if that's what you're looking for.

Actually, it looks a whole lot like OPI DS Magic. The foil particles seem identical, but the blue base is a little deeper in the Etude house, perhaps slightly more opaque, which, of course, could be the problem here. In most side by side nail comparisons you won't be able to tell the difference, but when I tried them on white plastic, the differences were there. So, if you (unlike me) felt the duochrome effect of the OPI was too weak to bother with, then this Etude House is nothing for you. If you love sparkly blues, it is (the formula is fine!). And if you're a skilled and inventive ebay searcher, you may find it at bargain pricing.

Swedish expression of the day:
falsk marknadsföring false marketing


  1. Hahah I like your expression of the day. XD

    It is a shame about how this looks so different on the nail than in the pic... but at least it is a stunning colour!! :D I love the shape of the bottle too! :D Very beautiful!

  2. wow, must be such a dissappointment for you, it looks cute though. :)

  3. But you didn't tell: does your bottle look anything like the one above? I have a couple of polishes that look duo(-multi)chrome in the bottle, but not on the nails. It's still a pretty one. Just like your nails.

    1. It does look just as yummy. :) So it's only on th nail it doesn't translate. :/

  4. WOW I understand why this is a failure completely! What a dud. thanks for the warning.

  5. Does look a lot like DS Magic...also the foil part/brightness of the blue leans me to think of OPI Swimsuit...something from last yr's OPI MIss Universe collection.

  6. It may not be as duo/multichromatic as you hoped it would be, but it's still super pretty!

  7. not quite as expected, but wow what a beautiful color!

  8. Really is pretty, but I think I would be doing a slow burn, too, if I expected a duochrome.

  9. Illa om de börjar photoshoppa nagellack också :P Tyckte det var en fin färg iaf.

    1. Photoshoppa tror jag inte, min flaska är lika snygg. :)

  10. Jag tror jag blev lite kär i det här lacket. Hade det sett ut som det gör i flaskan hade jag varit störtförälskad! Sen gillar jag verkligen hur flaskan ser ut också. Hej eBay!

  11. I'm loving this shade and because I'm not a multi-chrome fan, I prefer the color on your nails


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