Monday, June 20, 2011

Luminous artichokes

Now it's finally time for an oldie but goodie that's been waiting way too long in my untrieds stash. Why? It's an old, oval Creative bottle - you know, from the days when CND was known by that name. I give you Okie Dokie Artichokey.

Three coats. These photos do not do this polish any justice. There's a pink or champagne flash that my camera turns golden instead - you'll just have to imagine that part. Also, it's a bit blurry, I know, but I was in a hurry!

Here's an additional photo:

So, green with champagne pink flash. Or perhaps the shimmer is really duochrome, shifting from the champagne to a green similar to the khaki sorta base color. I'm not sure.

The reason for it being on hold for so long, is that I absolutely hate the Creative formula. It never dries, and usually trying one turns out being a huge, disastrous mistake. This time was no exception. I'm glad you're not going to see my other hand - it was full of smudges and uneven pearliness - the finish is somewhere between a pearl and a... I don't know. I allowed huge timeframes for each coat to dry, but it doesn't help with these. Once you apply the next coat you can just wipe the entire work off of your nail in one sweep. However, I didn't care, because I absolutely adore the shade, and I have been tempted for a long while, but didn't have that kind of time on my hands.

I used to have a Depend polish in pretty much the exact same shade. It was back in 2004 (I remember this because I wore it when I first met my significant other), and Depend was still sporting round bottles, of the same kind those generic mini bottles you often see. They had their old, round logo with the drop in the middle. I adored it, and since it was a mini bottle, like all Depend polishes, I quickly ran out. I actually made an attempt a while ago to contact my Depend PR representative about it, asking if she knew the shade and if they could bring it back, since they usually bring back one older color in every collection. Sadly, no answer. I think I'll email her a link to this post - maybe she'll answer my desperate calls and try to have it rereleased with an improved formula.

Now this is starting to become like an awkward, obsessive dream ranting, so I'll stop now.

If you don't mind a terrible non-drying formula, you could possibly hunt this one down on ebay. That's what I did.

Swedish word of the day:
kronärtskocka -noun artichoke
Damn I love 'em.


  1. This color is so pretty!! I'm glad it's an older shade that never dries or else I'd be tempted to break my no-buy.

  2. The name made me hungy lol, I love artichokes !

    I never had issues with CND formula, I actually like it a lot! It's a shame this one is a slow drying one, the shade is very pretty.

  3. ooh this shade is awesome. ... i don't have a green like this. too bad it's a yuck formula. boo.

  4. Very pretty shade, shame about the drying issues. I had 2 of the older CND brands with drying time issues, also...maybe right after they changed it?

  5. I have this and really love it!

    I think with this one I have to hold each coat under a lightbulb. Not too hot, just to move the solvent chemistry out of the pigments. It's a pain, but for the color, to me, worth it!

  6. So, I guess I"m not missing much by not having any CND polishes? Good to know! Is this color anything like ChG Peace on Earth?

  7. This is what I fondly refer to as a dead body color. It's gorgeous though...I love duochromes!

  8. Poetic Realist: Some colors are worth it, though. ;)

    Sarah B.: I haven't tried the new line, but all old I've tried are shitty as hell. But we all work differently! Happily. :)

    Pretty: I couldn't resist it even though I already knew what to expect, formula wise... :D

    Gottwinkies: I have no idea what this formula consists of on a chemical level, but I do believe none of the oval bottles were B3F. Still, most brands older formulas rock, these - not so much.

    Pailette: I never thought of using a light bulb to dry my coatings, I'll have to try that. Thanks for the tip!

    thenailaholic: I don't know, I don't have any from the new line - they might be better! And no, unfortunately it can't be replaced by the ChG, they're not alike. I'd say this shimmer pigment is scarce these days. :/

    ChaosButterfly: I can totally relate to that! *morbid* xD

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