Saturday, September 18, 2010

Burlesque glitter gradient

I had another bright idea the other day. These Burlesque glitters are way more inspirational than I would ever have believed! However, the outcome isn't always as bright as the idea. Not far from, though. Just look at this. The photos are shitty and everything looks weird, but this manicure was just beautiful in reality. I was in love with my nails the whole day.

This is a brand new OPI polish over an old one. First three coats of the beautiful Greenwich Green, and then a sloppy handmade glitter gradient french sorta topping with Glow Up Already!

Mmm... The insanity.

First things first: I had a completely flawless application with the old formula OPI, with its old, round brush. Excellent control. I was in application La La Land. Second, the glitter gradient was primitively made. I first add a strip french style, then I just use the semi dry polish brush to drag that coat up towards the cuticle. Then I add another coat at the tip for opacity.

This was so much fun that I'm already wearing a new glitter gradient. Damn you weirdly channeled creativity.

Swedish word of the day:
kreativitet -noun creativity
If I didn't have shit for brains I might have been able to make some actual use of it.


  1. I literally just said, "Holy crap." Beautiful!

  2. Jag gillart! Påminner mig lite om en guldig gradent jag gjorde med Medallion och Tresure chest för några veckor sedan men denna är inte lika vulgär! :)

  3. Så oerhört snyggt! Jag skulle gärna bära den manikyren!

  4. Wow this looks really nice!
    Oh Féline!! I wasnpt lemming any of these glitter until now!!! Bad kitty! :P
    just kidding :) This gradient is perfect!

  5. it's so pretty!
    you have an award on my blog :)

  6. This is unbelievably gorgeous...I love it!

  7. i really like this color and the glitter. i heart sparkle!

  8. I am going to try the glitter gradient. This is fabulous!



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