Sunday, September 30, 2012

Spam of complete randomness

Here's a post full of manicures that didn't get their own posts. Enjoy (if possible).

Ebalay 006/A08 over some medium purple.

Finger Paints Twisted over Essie Turquoise and Caicos.

Creative Limelight over OPI If You Moust You Moust.

H&M Brown, part of Spring Nails miniset from last year.

China Glaze Snow Globe gradient over Ruby Kisses Hot Pink Obsession.

Models Own Indian Ocean over some light blue.

H&M Mustard, from a fall miniset from last year.

Danged up and sunny OPI Nein! Nein! Nein! OK Fine!.

Flash lit photo of Dare to Wear Smokin' Diva (it's a very nice shade actually).

Duochrome stamping over duochrome: China Glaze Swanky Silk over Rimmel Hard Edged.

China Glaze Ride the Waves.

Color Club Shabby Drab.

Swedish expression of the day:
spara till senare save for later
It's what I did here...


  1. Oh my god, so many pretty colors and topcoats...I think I'm gonna die *w*


  2. Oh wow! They are all so pretty! I love them all!

    Jazz x

  3. Amazing spam! That Ebalay and the H&M Mustard have me drooling!!

  4. Love spam posts! And the first polish is gorgeous!


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