Friday, April 26, 2013

Awe of the Moon

I'm sure most of you have heard about Rainbow Honey polishes by now, and perhaps even tried one or two. But for me, this is the first. Full of night sky, this is Mare of the Moon.

Two effortless coats of Mare of the Moon over an existing dark blue manicure (saved for a later day). Blue base with blue to pink duochrome shimmer, two sizes of holographic hexagon glitters - and moons! Moons... Moooooons.

Personally I'm sometimes hesitant towards shaped glitter, but I love moons. And this is a perfect night sky, or perhaps dusky sky, with the little purple-pink haze left there by the last few sunbeams crossing the horizon. The hex glitters are sparse enough for my liking - after all, I live near the capital of Sweden, and rather close to its international airport, so my idea of a night sky is one heavily diluted by light pollution.

Today also marks the grand opening for Sweden's own webshop for independent and otherwise slightly unobtainable polishes, and it's called Edgy Polish. It's run by a nice lady called Katarina, and she also kindly provided me with the above polish for review. Edgy Polish stocks a wide range of brands, such as my favourites Darling Diva Polish and A-England, along with Glitter Gal, Pahlish, Smitten Polish, and much much more. During the entire weekend they offer 10 % off all purchases, and yes, they do ship internationally. Domestic orders over 350 SEK ship for free!

This product was sent for review.

Swedish word of the day:
mardröm -noun mare
Way too recurrent.


  1. Wow, so pretty, and the name is perfect! I haven't tried this brand (yet).

  2. This looks lovely! I haven't tried this brand yet either!

  3. This was my first Rainbow Honey polish too. I have to warn you it stains like nothing I've seen before and that you may have to buff your nails after polish removal to take those stains out. I think this gorgeousness is worth it though.

    1. Good advice! I put mine over another polish, but any readers: beware!

  4. I have all Equestria collection and I like these polishes very much :-)
    you have absolutely wonderful shape of nails! :-))

  5. Himla snyggt! Såg dig i tidningen häromdan, heja! :)

  6. Jag trodde namnet anspelade på märr, alltså kvinnlig häst. Jag har för mig att de heter mare på engelska. Jag antar att det är kollektionsnamnet equestria som fick mig att tänka så. Lacket är fint och dina bilder vackra, som alltid. Jag har så svårt för flaskorna att jag hittills inte lockats av ett enda av lacken från Rainbow Honey. Konstigt egentligen för det är ju liknande flaska som Models Own och Catrice, och de har jag inget problem med. Kanske är själva loggan?

    1. Det gör det säkert! Jag kan eller vet inget om hästar, däremot vet jag mycket om mardrömmar, haha. Etiketten är ju lite småplottrig sådär, inte så stilren. Själv tycker jag sådant är ganska charmigt i lagom doser, men har tidigare tyckt att just RH har varit för svårtillgängligt för mig.

  7. Sååå otroligt läckert och vilken fin färg! :-)

  8. Så himla vackert lack. Jag är lite sugen på att testa något från det märket!


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