Monday, June 6, 2011

Mundain Monday moss

It's not so much the polish itself, as it is my sloppy application and the state of my cuticles... I'm a bit embarassed to show you these photos, but this polish deserves better than mere oblivion. Let me present to you, my five-minute manicure Golden Moss, by LA Splash.

Two coats, and yes, I did this in five minutes, as I was hasty about running out to lunch with my dad. I should have and normally had done a third coat, which is painfully obvious if you look at the sunny picture. However, this murky green shimmer with golden glitter is fabulastic. The gold bits doesn't really spark or create any bling, it's just coarse bits of ... Well, let's say they're the golden, fallen autumn leaves, lying there in the forest moss. Maybe I should have saved this one for fall?

At least now you have time to go find in in good time before the autumn arrives. Non-Americans and those who can't access stores where LA Splash is sold, can find their gorgeous polishes on

Swedish expression of the day:
Ur led är tiden The time is out of joint
Famous quote from Hamlet - and obviously my perception of time and the seasons are.


  1. Why so self-deprecating? This is tremendous!

  2. I love this! I would probably rock this in the autumn/winter but it's still a gorgeous mani. Don't be so hard on yourself!

  3. I love this!! This is the second LA Splash polish I've seen today that has really blown me away... I think it's time to look into this brand!


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