Thursday, May 5, 2011

Not really my vision of Paradise

This is BB Couture Paradise from the Haiti Collection, a greyish beige/pale taupe. You can spot some shimmer in the bottle but it doesn't really show on the nails. I had some problems with the formula so I needed three coats to get it even.

I think this is similar to OPI Let Them Eat Rice Cake, might do a comp later on!
Swedish word of the day:
paradis -noun paradise
Does this make you think of paradise?


  1. Nä, vadå paradis? Hur tänkte dom här? Sand hade passat bättre. :)

  2. Inte paradisisk i mina ögon heller...

  3. Nja, namnet känns inte helt självklart till det lacket. Men färgen är ändå fin, tycker jag!


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