Monday, February 28, 2011

Calm... Or Wild?

I've shown you some of the Claire's Mood polishes before, and tonight I have yet another one - Calm/Wild.

Shifting from purple to pink, with a heavy silver shimmer - three coats and very nice.

And here it is in action, under running warm water:

...and cool:

Very nice. But I'm not a pink girl, so I kind of wished I'd be cold all the time.

Swedish word of the day:
reaktiv -adjective reactive
I love a polish with some action.


  1. Wow! I kind of love that, but I am with you on the pink bit. Makes me want to go out and find this...

  2. Oh what a lovely polish! Too bad I can't find any mood polishes around here ): I want one soooo bad!

  3. i love the gradiant effect. I really like the pink color though, it's pretty!! :o)

  4. Wow, gorgeous!!! I love the pink especially!


  5. Apparently you're wilder than you know !
    Light pinks really suit your skintone and cute nails though.

  6. Vilken färg! Skulle absolut vilja ha det här lacket :D Några förslag på vart man kan få tag på det?

    /carro naglar

  7. You may not like pink but it loves you.....almost as much as I do!
    My Claire's never got these. :o(

  8. Nana., carro and Evil Angel: Some of these are available on ebay! :)

    Sarah B. and Evil Angel: Thank you ladies, but you know I'm upset now that you've called me out as a pink person. ;D <3


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