Monday, January 10, 2011

Zoya purples: Zara

Finally some sun. Just what I needed to capture Zara, a lilac full of gold shimmer. Since this one is a bit sheer, I did three coats.

Swedish word of the day:
garderob -noun closet
As if we didn't have enough to do, we just started a new home project, to build a walk in closet!


  1. :D Zara was on my three free polish order. This has made me super excited. Your awesome photography is the reasoning behind, like, half of my wishlist.

  2. Wow, my Zara looked nothing like that and was more plum gold instead of a rose gold. Hmmm

  3. LOVE! You captured this color perfectly.

  4. :( Someone stole your blog post!

  5. Oh no, Ive hit a new low, I no longr can recognize if I ahve a color or I don't....I'm an addict.

    That being said, I love this color, and I think I have it? LOL!

  6. Love this! I feel like this is what I wanted Demure Vixen to be like. My hopes were too high lol

  7. This just confirms my feeling of joy for picking this as one of my Three for Free from Zoya last week. Yay and this is just gorgeous!

  8. Kendal and Lacquer Ware for Tips and Toes: I hope you like it when it arrives (I think Zara needs sun to look great though)

    Megan Harmeyer: Thanks! :)

    Styrch: Really? I think these pictures are pretty color accurate so either it is your monitor or it's mine, or we have totally different lightning!

    Courtney: I feel the same way about Demure Vixen, will probably never wear that one again.

    Jackie S.:That happens to me all the time =)


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