One of my best friends got me the white Isadora Graffiti Nail Top when she heard I was in desperate need, lucky me! Since I've already seen it over various pastels I decided to try it over one of my many white glitters. Since ChG Snow Globe, my polish of choice, looked to be really sheer I layered it over OPI Alpine Snow. I'm not so sure about this manicure, it gives my a
Tipp-ex feeling... What do you think?

Swedish word of the day:
städdag -noun house-cleaning day
Because today is one.
I quite like it! Reminds me of christmas! .x
ReplyDeleteI like it very much. Unique.
ReplyDeleteThat is.....strange! XD
ReplyDeleteBut I kinda like it, funny idea!
I'm not sure about this. It looks like melted Funfetti frosting.
ReplyDeleteI've actually been thinking of glitter polish with black crackle, not sure if that would work or not. This looks okay I guess. What a coincidence.. I'm cleaning my room today too.
ReplyDeleteHehe. Jag vet inte. Ambivalent. Tror att det hade blivit hur coolt som helst med svarta cracklelacket istället. Nu kanske det helt enkelt är lite för vitt?
ReplyDeleteJag tänkte testa det blå cracklelacket med svart under och tokglitter ovanpå. Undrar hur det blir? *leker med lack hela kvällen*
Nja, det liknar smält vaniljglass med strössel på. Ingen större hit enligt mig, men kul att se ändå.
ReplyDeleteOooh, now I want the white top coat as well! It looks totally unique and pretty.
ReplyDeleteMany different opinions! I'm still not sure if I like it or not but I had it for three days. I might try it over a silver glitter next time. I'd like to see your Graffiti Nail Top combinations, sounds good! =)
ReplyDeleteOh wow! Den som sa vaniljglass och strössel har helt rätt tycker jag.. Jag är lite kluven, i ena sekunden säger jag wow och i andra sekunden så säger jag neee...
ReplyDeleteLove the idea, very creative, but the mani not so much. Well, the can't all be winners, the rest of you mani's are usually wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI don't really like it, does give me the typp ex feel with vaseline smeared over it lol! But i love the crackle polish and think it would be great over a black glitter or something!
ReplyDeleteAnd I figured out what it really looks like, like this ice cream! :
Jag tycker att det ser fint ut men lite sommrigt, kanske.
ReplyDeleteYou are right, it does look like icecream with sprinkles!