Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Feminist daze

A couple of weeks ago, on March 8th, we celebrated International Women's Day worldwide. While this is done differently in different countries and cultures, Swedish feminists use it as a day of protesting. You may think this is weird, considering that Sweden has been regarded as one of the most equal countries on the planet, but more equal does not mean it is in fact equal. Even more worrisome is that Sweden is getting more inequal again. So on our day, we arrange marches, discussion events, and yes, parties too. Personally, I participated in a discussion panel held in a club, with an audience of about 200 fellow feminists - female and male. This is the manicure I wore for the occasion.

Creme and glitter Homa! Depicted is of course my left hand, the right hand is reversed.

Do you remember the circa 2008 claw grip NOTD pose? Still helpful for displaying thumbnails.

For this bright and tempting manicure I used Red Lights Ahead... Where? from OPI's Holland collection as the creme base, and the glitter is Pretty & Polished Diner Daze, which has black and white hexagons of different sizes in a red jelly base. I haven't tried the latter alone, but it could be built up to a translucent red by itself. Me, I like the more sparse glitter look and preferred it as a topping glitter here.

Did you celebrate International Women's Day?

Red Lights Ahead... Where? was sent for review,
Diner Daze was purchased with own funds.

Swedish word of the day:
matställe -noun diner
I have actually been dreaming of having my own for ages.


  1. I love that mani. It's so simple and elegant.

  2. Jag var hemma och pluggade den dagen illa, illa. Men sen var vi tre generationer kvinnor hos min mamma vilket var rätt coolt :)

  3. Love the outcome with the sparse glitters: very cool!
    Here in The Netherlands there was not a lot of celebrations around International Women's Day (not that I noticed anyway). But heh, I celebrate being a woman every time I paint my nails ;-)


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