Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Still Alive..!

A name that is a tad heavy metal, and my post no. 666 - this is what I have for you today. My first ever Pahlish, another interesting independent and home mixed brand, is Still Alive, from a collection of five Halloween themed polishes by the same name. If you've been reading this blog for a while, you will understand why I needed to have this one in particular. Behold the photos below.

Despite the lack of sun and slight blurriness, isn't this just stunning?! My compact camera decided that the 15-pack of new batteries I bought were all old batteries, so I had to switch to the DSLR - you know, the one without a macro lens - hence the blurriness. Anyway, this is three so called generous coats. The polish is rather thin, so if you'd like a more opaque result, don't be cheap with it. Another option is to layer, but I prefer glitter depth and the product as-is. The base is a translucent teal green, and the glitters and shimmers are all of smaller varieties, of gold, green, blue, and copper if I'm not mistaken. It is absolutely gorgeous. I wish I had sunny photos too, but that time of year has come to an end in good ol' Sweden.

Pahlish polishes can be purchased on Etsy, where the Still Alive collection is available, along with many other shades.

This product was purchased with own funds.

Swedish word of the day:
levande -adjective alive
Are you? (Prove it.)


  1. Jag som inte brukar vara mycket för glitterlack, men det där var verkligen snyggt!

  2. So gorgeous! It looks great on you.

  3. So pretty and so halloweenie! I love it!

    Jazz x

  4. One of the best polishes on your nails in the last month, I have to say. It caught my attention immediately. Too bad I'm not into indie nail polish brands. I'm afraid of the quality inconsistency... Plus they're expensive. But as I said. GORGEOUS! Very Feline.

    1. They are expensive. If I order only one, with shipping it's about 10€ (90 SEK). That's more than half an OPI by Swedish price standards. But I figure I'll just spend money when I have it, then get tired of it all anyway. xD

  5. Det finaste gröna lacket jag sett på mycket länge. Helt fantastiskt.

  6. Iih, jag kan knappt vänta tills jag får hem min flaska med det här. Så sjukt snyggt.

  7. Wow! That is a gorgeous polish!

  8. Really gorgeous! The depth is amazing...you are correct!

  9. Awesome! I have a few pahlish polishes but not this one. Will be ordered next time :)


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