Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rockin' and rollin'

Here's one I've wanted to post for quite a while now - this manicure was worn weeks ago - but there has been so many from this particular brand lately, that I wanted to let you breathe in between! It's another one from Darling Diva Polish, called Roller Girl. Inspired by the to me relatively unknown roller derby culture, it haz all the sparklies! Unfortunately I was a little low on light that day, but this polish does not need a lot of light to be awesome. Just imagine what you see in these pictures less blurry, but just as colorful.

Wowzers. Two coats of Roller Girl over a black creme. The multi colored glitters along with the silver shimmer is dispensed in a charcoal-y base, and if one would make three or so coats of it alone, it would give a pretty decent coverage. I wanted mine all black and less glittery, though (mostly because I fear massive glitter removal).

Isn't this an absolutely stunning glitter?! I loved this manicure, and couldn't help staring at my nails pretty much around the clock. This is the type of polish for which I would actually consider turning on my bedside lamp in the middle of the night just to admire it some more.

This product was a gift.

Swedish word of the day:
rullskridskor -noun pl. roller skates
I don't know how to ride 'em.


  1. ooohhh I love this kind of look))) so pretty, yet tough !

  2. This is positively AMAZING! I have a friend who is a roller girl, I need to pick up a bottle for her! And one for myself, of course =)

  3. Oh that is gorgeous! Love it over black!

  4. I dig! (Inte "i dig", utan "I dig" som i "I dig this".)

  5. ohhh..... WOW! Me wants!! *w*
    Looks amazing over black.


  6. Love this! The colour combinations are great.

  7. that's gorgeous! I'm absolutely stunned!

  8. OMG that is absolutely gorgeous

  9. Dear god I want that. Unbearably pretty!

  10. I love this polish. Got it a few weeks back and have worn it over a charcoal polish so far. It is just gorgeous!!! DDP is without doubt the most interesting maker retailing on Etsy at the moment. And as for the name of this polish, for a 40something lacquer head like me wearing this polish put the Dire Straits song by the same name in my head and it went round and round in there for ages. Not that I mind, it's one of my favourite songs, well one of my top 200 at least:p


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