Friday, September 21, 2012

Do you Be-Leaf?

Let's have some green! Can we ever have too much green? Personally, I doubt that, but you, dear readers, may of course be of a different opinion. Still, this post will be about a green foil, namely Be-Leaf It Or Not! from Finger Paints' fall collection.

Green foil borderlining metallic - not much more to say to describe it. This is three coats, the polish went on more sheer than I'd like a foil to do, and perhaps it's not my favourite green foil either. But there's nothing wrong with it.

However, everything can be improved. So I tried some stamping.

In the shade, this design looks like those drapes whith velvet patterns on satin, you know? Which is kind of awesome. The stamped polish is A England's Dragon, one of my favourites from the Legends collection. I used Bundle Monster plate 314, and this particular design is one of my absolute favourites from the 2012 edition. I use it all the time.

Be-Leaf it Or Not! was purchased with own funds.
Dragon was sent to me by the manufacturer for reviewing purposes.
Bundle Monster stamping plate was purchased with own funds.
Swedish word of the day:
sammet -noun velvet
Very gothic babe like.


  1. Never *ever* enough green! This particular one is not too appealing for me either, but you did an amazing, amazing job with the stamping, the final result is fantastic.

  2. That was sooo beautiful! Love green so green on green must be a winner :-D

  3. Wow, this is absolutely gorgeous!!

  4. Great! Looove the design *w*


  5. Stämplingen ser grymt fin ut! Jag är så avundsjuk, för även om jag inte är förtjust i nail art normalt sett så vill jag ju kunna stämpla så det ser okej ut, men det går bara inte. Fan.

  6. Oerhört vackert med de färgerna och den designen!

  7. I love it! with or without stamping! :)


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