Thursday, December 30, 2010

My purple girlfriends - Julieanne

I told you not to fear. The rendition of Zoya Juno I showed you last night wasn't entirely interesting, and that was due to both the polish and that infamous Swedish winter darkness. Sun is scarce, but some days we're lucky to catch a few beams. The day I was wearing Julieanne was one of them.

The amount of sun wasn't exactly blinding, but at least there are a few sparkles showing up. I know you know her from before, but isn't the lady Julieanne of Zoya a prominent one?!

In case you're not yet aware: the base of Julieanne is actually a dark blue. But the pink shimmer gives it the overall purple look. Quite festive.

Swedish word of the night:
julgranskula -noun christmas bauble or ball
I bought a ginormous one last week, and was just staring at it... O.o


  1. I'm a huge lover of all kinds of purple! And this one looks lovely!

  2. I think Julieanne is really pretty, but when there's no sunlight outside, it looks so dark! I would like this polish better when the purple wouldn't be so dark.

  3. Jag gillade Wicked-kollektionen men Julianne var nog den jag gillade minst. Hon får inte mitt hjärta att banka...

  4. Gorgeous! I guess I have too many polishes because I can't remember if I have this one or not (I think I do).

  5. I like this one, but the Orly dupe is a bit sparklier so I like that other one more :P
    I forgot it's

  6. I absolutely love this one, I'm actually wearing it right now and I love it so much that I can't force myself to remove it, even though I have so many great polishes waiting in the line. Sigh.


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