Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Belated Halloween manicure

Do you know how badly I suck? I wore this manicure way before Halloween, and still haven't posted it until now. Honestly, one of the reasons just could be that I had absolutely zero good photos. I took a series of underwater shots like I have now become accustomed to, since this technique was introduced to me by an intelligent woman that we may call Bio, but nothing more. And again honestly, I took it off right after. Why? Well, this:

HAHA. My god, I suck when it comes to any kind of nailart... I'm embarassed to show you this. Anyway, we have I believe two coats of Color Club's Spellbound, topped with stickers, both from their Halloween set Bewitching.

This little sucker was my favourite:

He reminded me of these guys:

please click to enlarge

The Kodama, or tree spirits, from Princess Mononoke, Hayao Miyazaki's real breakthrough movie. And in this house, we're big fans of Miyazaki- especially my daughter, who has seen his movies so many times that we actually believe she will learn Japanese before English (no, that's not very common in Sweden).

Swedish word of the night:
ande -noun spirit


  1. I loved that movie it was awesome. I the color and the sticker it cute.

  2. I love it! Now come do mine!

  3. i love the orange color.... gorgeous!!! I think you did very good at the nail art.

  4. I like the nail art!! Looks super cute.
    And I want one of those tree spirits, kind of.
    They look a little scary...like I wouldn't want to wake up in the middle of the night and find one sitting on my bed looking at me.
    But to have one just to play with and pet would be cool.

  5. so cute!
    love the nail art :)

  6. Why are you embarassed? It looks great! But damn that color is bright =)

  7. haha don't be so nailsticker-hardonyourself, it looks great :). love, love, love the orange!

  8. I'm blinded!! Aaaaaaah! Damn this one is bright, pretty bright! Cute nailart :)

  9. Det lilla spöket ser verkligen ut som en kodama! Jag var faktiskt inte jätteförtjust i den filmen, han har gjort bättre tycker jag nog, men jag älskar de söta små kodamorna (?).

  10. Evil Angel: Pay my ticket and I'll be there. ;D

    ChaosButterfly: The really scary part is that they can just spin their heads like crazy. O.o But yes, they ARE cute, cute and scary at the same time...

    Kristel: I have annoyingly high standards. ;D

    isabella: You're way too kind. :)

    Iris: Bright and AWESOME! It was even better on my 4 y o DD. :)

    Annie: Jag håller med dig helt och hållet i samtliga påståenden. :) Totoro. <3


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